Current selection has inconsistent action options. Select one of the options below to apply the same action to the whole selection:
CUID column of 6 bytes cannot be added to index "%1!s!" on object %2!s! because row length would exceed the maximum permissible ...
Culture expression '{0}' is not directly supported in a LINQ query. Assign it to a local variable and then use the variable ...
Cumulative I/O performed by this session since it connected ("sys.dm_exec_sessions.reads" plus "sys.dm_exec_sessions.writes") ...
Current number of threads waiting for a latch. These are latch requests that could not be given immediate grants and are ...
Current selection has inconsistent action options. Select one of the options below to apply the same action to the whole ...
Current selection includes areas with the different types of markup. Select one of the options below to set a new markup ...
Current thread is not configured to access SQL Server internal resources and was likely created inside the Common Language ...
Cursor parameters in a stored procedure must be declared with OUTPUT and VARYING options, and they must be specified in the ...
Cursor plan failed because it is not possible to force the plan for a cursor of type other than FAST_FORWARD or STATIC with ...