Lync Server Service Startup Pending as Registrar BackEnd is not yet available. Service Startup will be delayed until the local Registrar BackEnd becomes available. Cause: Possible Issues with the local Registrar BackEnd. Resolution: Ensure that the local Registrar BackEnd SQL Server is running on this machine.
Lync Server MCUFactory Unhandled exception Exception: %1 Cause: Application error. Please look through the exception details ...
Lync Server one or more critical applications are not running. Time to Shutdown: '%1' Seconds. Application Uri '%2' Cause: ...
Lync Server pool FQDN cannot be located in the default certificate. Pool FQDN: '%1'. Cause: This is a configuration problem. ...
Lync Server Script-Only Applications Service aborting. Cause: Lync Server service terminated unexpectedly. Resolution: Examine ...
Lync Server Service Startup Pending as Registrar BackEnd is not yet available. Service Startup will be delayed until the ...
Lync Server Service Startup Pending as required Server Configuration has not yet replicated. Some Required Server Configuration ...
Lync Server services have been stopped, but web components hosted by IIS may still be running. If {0} is part of a Front ...
Lync Server startup is pending as configuration database is not yet available. Cause: Possible local configuration database ...
Lync Server startup is pending. Some configured critical applications have not yet registered. Applications: %1. Resolution: ...