Exchange server '{0}' is installed on a domain controller, but not a global catalog server. This is not a supported configuration and may cause Exchange services to fail.
Exchange Online Protection with ECAL or EECAL (Transition Offer) for VL FOPE Government Community Cloud Eligible Customers ...
Exchange Online RBACConfigurationVersion is lower than expected. Please re-run the Hybrid Wizard and if the issue persists ...
Exchange server '{0}' is a virtual machine but the additional tools aren't installed. This configuration isn't supported. ...
Exchange server '{0}' is down or unreachable. This could be the result of a network or permissions problem. Status: '{1}' ...
Exchange server '{0}' is installed on a domain controller, but not a global catalog server. This is not a supported configuration ...
Exchange server '{0}' is installed on a global catalog server. Installing Exchange on a global catalog server isn't recommended. ...
Exchange server '{0}' is installed with DNS. Running DNS on the same server as Exchange Server isn't recommended. Click on ...
Exchange server '{0}' is running on a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system. The 32-bit version of Exchange 2007 ...
Exchange Server 2016 automatically configures Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories for web applications ...