In this case, the certificate has been "self-signed", meaning that the certificate was issued by the subject itself, not by a well-known "certification authority". You can authenticate a self-signed certificate only by directly verifying its digital fingerprint (a.k.a. "thumbprint"), as publicly advertised by the certificate's subject.
In the XML definition of this spreadsheet, the tag with ID attribute '|0' contains an attribute named '|1', for which an ...
In the XML definition of this spreadsheet, the tag with ID attribute '|0' contains an element with an unrecognized attribute ...
In the XML definition of this spreadsheet, the tag with ID attribute '|0' contains the following error: The data mapped in ...
In the XML definition of this spreadsheet, the value specified for the Resource attribute of a tag does not match the Resource ...
In this case, the certificate has been "self-signed", meaning that the certificate was issued by the subject itself, not ...
In this demonstration version of Publisher, you can only print one copy of a publication at a time, and you cannot print ...
In this example, Microsoft Office Project 2003 gives precedence to the work assigned and tries to preserve those hours. If ...
In this location you may want to include special news about your organization, such as updates on the progress of special ...
In this section, enter the name and contact information of the person or company responsible for this listing request, as ...