This data entry box allows administrators to enter applications for which they want to enable or disable the security feature ...

"This data entry box allows administrators to enter applications for which they want to enable or disable the security feature in event of application compatibility issues or for testing purposes, or rollout management. The valuename is the name of the executable. Do not enter the Internet Explorer processes in this list. Use the Internet Explorer Processes policy to enable or disable IE processes.

If you enable the All Processes policy setting, the processes configured in this box will take precedence over that setting.

Value must be 1 or 0.

Value = 1 will enable the security feature and potentially change the behavior in your application.

Value = 0 will disable the security feature. If you disable this policy setting, your application will not be affected by this feature, nor will it be protected by this feature.

If there is a valuename that has a value that is empty or does not match 1 or 0, it will be ignored.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the security feature is allowed."
English (United States)