Items Permanently Deleted is the total number of items permanently deleted by the Managed Folder Assistant since the beginning of the most recent schedule interval. Reset to zero at the beginning of each schedule interval.
Items older than the age limit for the replica of public folder %1 on this server were removed from database %6. Age limit: ...
Items older than the age limit for the replica of public folder %1 on this server were removed from database %6. Age limit: ...
Items older than the age limit for the replica of public folder %1 on this server were removed from database %7. Age limit: ...
Items older than the age limit for the replica of public folder %1 on this server were removed from database %7. Age limit: ...
Items Permanently Deleted is the total number of items permanently deleted by the Managed Folder Assistant since the beginning ...
Items repaired is the total number of calendar items that had a correction made by the Calendar Repair Assistant since the ...
Items stamped with Default Tag is the total number of items that are implicitly stamped with a default tag (Expiry or Archive) ...
Items stamped with Personal Tag is the total number of items that are explicitly stamped with a personal tag (Expiry or Archive) ...
Items stamped with System Cleanup Tag is the total number of items that are stamped with a system Cleanup tag by Managed ...