It looks like you manage DNS records for your domain at {0}. Click Set up records, and we'll take care of it. You may need to sign in at {1}.
It looks like you don\'t have an Office 365 mailbox. Unfortunately, that precludes you from using Delve at the moment. We ...
It looks like you have more than {0} licenses in your subscription. The new {1} subscription is limited to {0} licenses or ...
It looks like you haven't signed up for %BRAND_OFFICE_WEB_APPS%. You can sign up now. It's free. You're signed in as {0} ...
It looks like you installed Office directly from the Windows Store. That's the 'Office in the Windows Store' version.We're ...
It looks like you manage DNS records for your domain at {0}. Click Set up records , and we'll take care of it. You may need ...
It looks like you manage DNS records for your domain at {0}. Click Set up records , and we'll update your website address ...
It looks like you or your company may not be subscribed to a service {0} is dependent on. Please contact your company admin ...
It looks like you're not running this tool on the server that has the directory synchronization service installed. If you ...
It looks like you're running an outdated version of Dynamics %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook (the value for the CR ...