The Name parameter specifies the new name. The name cannot include control characters, leading or trailing spaces, or any of the following characters: / \\ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ?
The name of this computer has been changed. You must restart this computer for the previous name change to take effect before ...
The name of this registered profile. Since multiple versions can exist for the same RegisteredName, the combination of RegisteredName, ...
The name of this registered specification. Since multiple versions can exist for the same RegisteredName, the combination ...
The Name parameter passes the name of the service to install to the Create method. The maximum string length is 256 characters. ...
The Name parameter specifies the new name. The name cannot include control characters, leading or trailing spaces, or any ...
The Name property contains a character string specifying the name of a Win32 environment variable. By specifying the name ...
The Name property contains an identifying name for the video configuration class. This property has been deprecated in favor ...
The Name property contains the name of the adapter used in this configuration. This property has been deprecated in favor ...
The Name property defines the label by which the CIM_PhysicalCapacity object is known. When subclassed, the Name property ...