The performance counter specified in the PdhAddCounter() call has already been added to the performance query. This counter is ignored.
The percentage of the job that has completed at the time that this value is requested. Note that this property is also present ...
The PerfHost service is about to call the collect procedure (%5) of provider %3 (%4) with query "%1" and buffer size %2. ...
The performance counter explain text string value in the registry is not formatted correctly. The malformed string is %1!s!. ...
The performance counter name string value in the registry is not formatted correctly. The malformed string is %1!s!. The ...
The performance counter specified in the PdhAddCounter() call has already been added to the performance query. This counter ...
The performance data collection function "%1!s!" in the "%2!s!" library did not complete in the allowed time. There may be ...
The performance strings in the Performance registry value is corrupted when process %1!s! extension counter provider. The ...
The performance strings in the registry do not match the index values stored in Performance registry key. The first DWORD ...
The period of time before a hard disk enters sleep mode is longer than the default setting, and might affect power usage. ...