The configuration provided contains an invalid resource instance of class name %1!s! because it doesn't have a field with the name ConfigurationName inside it. In order to use this configuration as a partial configuration, the configuration name field is mandatory inside each resource and it's name should match the name field of the OMI_ConfigurationDocument instance.
The configuration of the HomeGroup security group is incorrect. Windows can reconfigure it, which might resolve the problem. ...
The configuration of the networks this computer is connected to might cause incorrect or limited HomeGroup functionality. ...
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid number of virtual NUMA nodes. Reduce the number of virtual ...
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid value for startup memory: %3. Specify the value between %4 ...
The configuration provided contains an invalid resource instance of class name %1!s! because it doesn't have a field with ...
The configuration set functional level is not high enough to complete addition of application directory partitions during ...
The configuration set functional levels have been updated to values that are incompatible with the functional level supported ...
The configuration set has an invalid replication authentication mode (msDS-replAuthenticationMode = %1). Replication with ...
The configuration set has an invalid replication authentication mode (msDS-replAuthenticationMode). It requires Kerberos ...