Consume-first mode is active. Note: Space completion is disabled when consume-first mode is active to avoid potential interference. To insert a name from the list, use tab.
Construct makes an indirect reference to project '|1', which contains '|2'. Add a project reference to '|1' to your project. ...
Constructors and destructors cannot be renamed directly from the diagram. Rename the class to automatically rename its constructors ...
Constructors for the type '{0}' must directly or indirectly call its implicit object constructor. Use a call to the implicit ...
Constructors must be applied to arguments and cannot be used as first-class values. If necessary use an anonymous function ...
Consume-first mode is active. Note: Space completion is disabled when consume-first mode is active to avoid potential interference. ...
Consume-first mode is active. Note: Space completion is disabled when consume-first mode is active to avoid potential interference. ...
Contact the administrator for the server running SharePoint Products at the following location: {0}. Confirm that the server ...
Contact the administrator for the server running SharePoint Products at the following location: {0}. Verify that the server ...
Contact the Administrator for the SQL Server Reporting Services at {0} and ask that the permission "Content Manager" be added ...