VerifyB[uild] major[;minor[build]] Optional. Verifies the build number of a package against the build numbers specified in the major, minor, and build arguments. If used, and a mismatch occurs, the package will not execute. You must use an argument with this option. The argument can have one of three forms: o major o major;minor o major;minor;build
Verifies that the computer is connected to the Internet. When a Microsoft .NET application like Microsoft Management Studio ...
Verify that the setting is set to 1 in the msmdsrv.ini file in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.PowerPivot\OLAP\Config ...
Verify that The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL Server Configuration ...
Verify the row counts and compare checksums to verify the row data (all Subscribers are servers running SQL Server 2000 or ...
VerifyB[uild major[;minor[build Optional. Verifies the build number of a package against the build numbers specified in the ...
VerifyP[ackageID package_id Optional. Verifies the ID of the package to be executed against the value specified in the packageID ...
VerifyV[ersionID version_id Optional. Verifies the version GUID of a package to be executed against the value specified in ...
Version store is full. New version(s) could not be added. A transaction that needs to access the version store may be rolled ...
Version store scan timed out when attempting to read the next row. Please try the statement again later when the system is ...