Type TfsConfig help for command line description. Commands: TfsConfig accounts Manages the service accounts and passwords ...

Type TfsConfig help  for command line description.
TfsConfig   accounts              Manages the service accounts and passwords
TfsConfig   authentication        Enables Negotiate (Kerberos) authentication 
                                  or NTLM authentication.

TfsConfig   certificates          Configures how client authentication
                                  certificates are used when TFS connects to
                                  itself through a secure connection.

TfsConfig   changeServerId        Restamps the Team Foundation Server Instance
                                  and all of its collections with a new 
                                  instance id.
TfsConfig   codeIndex             Manage code indexing servicing jobs on the 
                                  Team Foundation Server.

TfsConfig   collection            Provides functionality for attaching, 
                                  detaching and deleting Team Project 

TfsConfig   configureMail         Configures email alerts options

TfsConfig   help                  Displays a help for specific commands in the
                                  form of 'TfsConfig help (command)'

TfsConfig   identities            Lists or changes identifiers (SIDs for 
                                  Windows) of identities in Team Foundation.

TfsConfig   jobs                  Creates log files for servicing jobs and
                                  allows restarting failed patch or upgrade 
                                  Team Project Collection servicing jobs.

TfsConfig   lab                   Configures lab settings and/or manages lab 
                                  dns records.

TfsConfig   license               View or update Team Foundation Server 
                                  licensing information.

TfsConfig   prepareClone          Prepares an existing configuration database for cloning.

TfsConfig   proxy                 Updates existing TFS Proxy configuration.

TfsConfig   rebuildWarehouse      Rebuilds the Analysis Services database and
                                  the relational database of the warehouse.

TfsConfig   registerDB            changes the configuration database.

TfsConfig   remapDBs              Enumerates the databases in the listed sql 
                                  instances and validates that all stored 
                                  connection strings match the locations of 
                                  the found databases. If an inconsistency 
                                  is found then this command will attempt to
                                  fix it.

TfsConfig   settings              View or update miscellaneous Team Foundation
                                  Server settings and URLs.

TfsConfig   setup                 Used for unconfiguring Team Foundation Server.

TfsConfig   unattend              Used for configuring Team Foundation Server
                                  with an unattend file for inputs.
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