In ParallelForEach, it is invalid to have a CompletionCondition property not equal to null but the Body property equals to null. Please consider setting the Body property of ParallelForEach '{0}' to an empty Sequence activity.
In order to use one of the ServiceHost constructors that takes a service instance, the InstanceContextMode of the service ...
In order to use Streams with the MessageContract programming model, the type {0} must have a single member with MessageBodyMember ...
In order to use the contract '{0}' with DuplexChannelFactory, the contract must specify a valid callback contract. If your ...
In order to use the contract '{0}' with DuplexChannelFactory, the contract must specify a valid callback contract. If your ...
In ParallelForEach, it is invalid to have a CompletionCondition property not equal to null but the Body property equals to ...
In relationship '{0}', the Principal and Dependent Role of the referential constraint refers to the same Role in the relationship ...
In the data contract name for type '{1}', there are curly braces with '{0}' inside, which is an invalid value. Curly braces ...
In the future, this account will be used automatically to open protected documents. You can change this setting later. Your ...
In the New role name box, enter a name for the role to create, such as Administrator, Member, or Guest, and then click Add ...