Unable to find the placement weight settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted.
Unable to deploy virtual machine %VMName; using SAN transfer type from library server %ServerName; because this is a highly-available ...
Unable to download the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant. Please install Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant ...
Unable to find the capability settings for the specified private cloud. The private cloud may have been moved or deleted. ...
Unable to find the dynamic optimization settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted. ...
Unable to find the placement weight settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted. ...
Unable to find the specified custom placement rule. The custom placement rule name may be incorrect, or the custom placement ...
Unable to find the specified host group. The host group name may be incorrect, or the host group may have been moved or deleted. ...
Unable to find the specified load balancer virtual IP (VIP) member. The load balancer virtual IP (VIP) member may have been ...
Unable to find the specified logical network. The logical network name may be incorrect, or the logical network may have ...