In the "%1" document under element "%2", the referenced specification contains "any" element. This type of element is not allowed in non-XML schemas. Please remove the "any" element and redeploy the relevant schemas.
Imports Microsoft BizTalk Server Cross-Referencing Data From Files. Usage: {0}: -file= For data file format information, ...
In event handler {0}, the output of method {1}, whose type is {2}, matches input types of more than one method in the next ...
In order to add this reference, the directory '%1' will be added to the project's ReferencePath property. This will change ...
In order to start this orchestration, you must first enlist or start the following send port(s) / send port group(s): Send ...
In the "%1" document under element "%2", the referenced specification contains "any" element. This type of element is not ...
In the "%1" document under element "%2", the specification referenced contains empty particle(s). Empty particles are not ...
In the BAM configuration XML, all of the Star Schema and Analysis server and database names must appear, or none can appear. ...
In the BAM configuration XML, both the archive database name and the server name must appear, or neither can appear. You ...
In UDDI Services, data published for a Web service, provider, or tModel can be modified only by the current owner. After ...