Converts data from one data type to another. Converted data is written to a new output column. For example, convert data from a column of decimal type to an output column of integer type or convert ANSI string data to Unicode.
Converting "%1!s!" from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed with error code 2!8.8X!. An error occurred while performing the ...
Converting an input column from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed. An error occurred while performing the implicit conversion ...
Converting file to optimized format. This operation may take several minutes. The file will be loaded automatically when ...
Converts a local datetime value and a time zone offset to a datetimeoffset value with the given time zone offset being perserved. ...
Converts data from one data type to another. Converted data is written to a new output column. For example, convert data ...
Coordinates of the map area. The Shape property determines how many coordinates are required to correctly draw the shape. ...
Copies input columns to new columns in the transformation output. For example, create a copy of the 'address' column so that ...
Copy the selected data to the Clipboard. You must select a cell, field, or column from a PowerPivot table to copy. To copy ...
Copying cluster-resource {0} to {1} failed because the source or destination contains a zero-length string or one or more ...