MSTSC /v: /admin /f[ullscreen /w: /h: /public | /span /edit "connection file" /migrate "connection file" - Specifies the ...

MSTSC [] [/v:] [/admin] [/f[ullscreen]] [/w: /h:] [/public] | [/span] [/edit "connection file"] [/migrate]  "connection file" -- Specifies the name of an .rdp file for the connection.  /v: -- Specifies the remote computer to which you want to connect.  /admin -- Connects you to the session for administering a server.  /f -- Starts Remote Desktop in full-screen mode.  /w: -- Specifies the width of the Remote Desktop window.  /h: -- Specifies the height of the Remote Desktop window.  /public -- Runs Remote Desktop in public mode.  /span -- Matches the remote desktop width and height with the local virtual desktop, spanning across multiple monitors if necessary. To span across monitors, the monitors must all have the same height and be aligned vertically.  /edit -- Opens the specified .rdp connection file for editing.  /migrate -- Migrates legacy connection files that were created with Client Connection Manager to new .rdp connection files.