Exchange Server requires at least {0} GB of disk space. The current Exchange Server installation path doesn't have enough disk space to install the server roles you've selected. Change the Exchange Server installation path to a different location, or clear one or more of the roles you've selected to install on this computer.
Exchange Server is not capable of supporting a transport server internal Domain Name Server (DNS) setting specifying an Internet ...
Exchange Server is not capable of supporting Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) addresses on server {2}. An IPv6 address ...
Exchange Server is not capable of supporting Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) addresses on server {2}. The IPv6 global ...
Exchange Server is not capable of supporting Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) addresses on server {2}. The IPv6 link-local ...
Exchange Server requires at least {0} GB of disk space. The current Exchange Server installation path doesn't have enough ...
Exchange server roles are installed on one or more domain controllers. Exchange can't be changed to Active Directory split ...
Exchange server roles are installed on one or more domain controllers. Exchange can't be changed to Active Directory split ...
Exchange Server Setup (exsetup.exe) was terminated with a control-break. The installation may now be in an inconsistent state. ...
Exchange server will automatically check online for solutions when encountering errors and provide usage feedback to Microsoft ...