Variable to contain the name of the email server. This can be used instead of the HostName parameter in the Send-MailMessage cmdlet.
Value is not supported within a declarative processing context, if you want it to be supported mark it using WinJS.Utili ...
Values: 0x0 - Enable all file metadata optimization 0x1 - Disable full file metadata optimization only 0x2 - Disable incremental ...
Variable reference is not valid. '$' was not followed by a valid variable name character. Consider using ${} to delimit the ...
Variable reference is not valid. ':' was not followed by a valid variable name character. Consider using ${} to delimit the ...
Variable to contain the name of the email server. This can be used instead of the HostName parameter in the Send-MailMessage ...
VaultCmd /addcreds: | /credtype: | /identity: /authenticator: /resource: /savedBy: Example: vaultcmd /addcreds:"Web Credentials" ...
VaultCmd /deletecreds: | /credtype: | /identity: /resource: Example: vaultcmd /deletecreds:"Web Credentials" /credtype:{ ...
Vendor ID: %1!s! Qualifier: 2!08x! Version: 3!08x! Global Flags: 4!08x! Num Data Entries: %5!d! File ID: %6!s! Data: Flags: ...
Verification of the trust between the domain %2 and the domain %3 was unsuccessful because: %1 Resetting the trust passwords ...