Specify the interval (in hours) to collect metrics on CPU usage, memory usage, and user connections. By default, the system will gather data for X hours before making health rule calculations.
Specify the expressions used to create new column values, and indicate whether the values update existing columns or populate ...
Specify the ID and root directory for the instance of SQL Server that you are preparing. You need to specify the instance ...
Specify the information that you would like to automatically send to Microsoft to improve future releases of SQL Server. ...
Specify the Instance ID for the SQL Server features you have specified. SQL Server directory structure, registry structure, ...
Specify the interval (in hours) to collect metrics on CPU usage, memory usage, and user connections. By default, the system ...
Specify the interval (in hours) to count load and connection events for calculating the load-to-connection ratio. By default, ...
Specify the location of a BI Semantic Model. For PowerPivot workbooks, enter a complete URL to a workbook hosted in a SharePoint ...
Specify the location where SQL Server Setup will obtain product updates. The valid values are "MU" to search Microsoft Update, ...
Specify the login used by a Subscriber to connect to the Publisher when simultaneously committing changes to replicated data. ...