Displays the number of failed requests (because of activity host process crash) that are pending execution and waiting in the Activity Host Manager's queue. This counter displays the last observed value.
Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CHDIR /D drive:][path CHDIR . CD /D drive:][path CD . . Specifies ...
Displays the number of activity host processes that have been created since the start of PowerShell Workflow engine. This ...
Displays the number of activity host processes that have been disposed since the start of PowerShell Workflow engine. This ...
Displays the number of activity host processes which are busy servicing the requests (incoming / failed). This counter displays ...
Displays the number of failed requests (because of activity host process crash) that are pending execution and waiting in ...
Displays the number of jobs that are pending execution and waiting in the PowerShell Workflow job queue. This counter displays ...
Displays the number of PowerShell Remoting connections that have been created since the start of PowerShell Workflow engine. ...
Displays the number of PowerShell Remoting connections that have been disposed since the start of PowerShell Workflow engine. ...
Displays the number of PowerShell Remoting connections that were closed and reopened since the start of PowerShell Workflow ...