A VDS (Virtual Disk Service) error occurred while performing the requested operation. The connection to the server might be blocked by Windows Firewall. Make sure that the firewall on the server (or on all nodes in a failover cluster) is configured correctly.
A value of Nothing was specified for a property that may not be Nothing, such as one that is marked by a Key, Indexed, or ...
A value that specifies the time, in seconds, after which an idle connection is terminated. Unless the idle time-out is disabled, ...
A variable scope prefix that is not valid was detected. The only valid scope prefix in the script workflow is "$WORKFLOW:". ...
A variable that cannot be referenced in restricted language mode or a Data section is being referenced. Variables that can ...
A VDS (Virtual Disk Service) error occurred while performing the requested operation. The connection to the server might ...
A VDS 4.0 hardware provider was detected. For management of this hardware provider please use PowerShell. DiskRaid supports ...
A version newer than is already installed. To remove the newer version and install the older version, use Add or Remove Programs ...
A virtual circuit error occurred on the session to %1. The network control block (NCB) command and return code is the data. ...
A virtual desktop template is used to create new virtual desktops in a collection. The virtual hard disk that will be used ...