Failed to save to the specified location. Make sure the file is not write-protected and there is enough space on the drive to save the image. Save aborted.
Failed to retrieve a new image from the device. Its storage area may be full. Please make sure it is turned on and connected ...
Failed to retrieve printer properties from the local computer. This may be because the printer has no properties to retrieve. ...
Failed to save a Registry key. This may be due to lack of resources. Try closing other Windows applications to fix the problem. ...
Failed to save due to insufficient access rights. You must have administrator privileges. Data may have been lost. (Error ...
Failed to save to the specified location. Make sure the file is not write-protected and there is enough space on the drive ...
Failed to secure the machine account %1. Have an administrator remove the builtin\account operators full control Access Control ...
Failed to secure the machine account %1. This operation will be retried. Have an administrator verify the builtin\account ...
Failed to send data to remote server because list of proxy servers was exhausted without receiving a response. The error ...
Failed to send data to remote server using the following proxy configuration: Access Type (%2); Proxy Server (%3); Proxy ...