Successful Logon: User Name: %1 Domain: %2 Logon ID: %3 Logon Type: %4 Logon Process: %5 Authentication Package: %6 Workstation Name: %7 Logon GUID: %8 Caller User Name: %9 Caller Domain: %10 Caller Logon ID: %11 Caller Process ID: %12 Transited Services: %13 Source Network Address: %14 Source Port: %15 Caller Process Name: %16
SUBST drive1: drive2:]path SUBST drive1: /D drive1: Specifies a virtual drive to which you want to assign a path. drive2:]path ...
SUCCESS: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is disabled. This will take effect after the system is restarted. ...
SUCCESS: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is enabled. This will take effect after the system is restarted. ...
Successful Extended Mode Negotiations is the number of extended mode negotiations completed since IPsec was last started. ...
Successful Logon: User Name: %1 Domain: %2 Logon ID: %3 Logon Type: %4 Logon Process: %5 Authentication Package: %6 Workstation ...
Successful Negotiations is the number of negotiations completed for IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2 since IPsec was last started. ...
Successful Network Logon: User Name: %1 Domain: %2 Logon ID: %3 Logon Type: %4 Logon Process: %5 Authentication Package: ...
Successfully allocated memory, but a subset of the physical pages was allocated on a remote non-uniform memory architecture ...
successfully allocated memory, but a subset of the physical pages was allocated on a remote non-uniform memory architecture ...