Interface '{0}' implemented on Type '{2}' is considered projected to Windows Runtime interface '{1}' and all methods on this interface '{0}' need to be either all implemented as public methods with the same name as the interface method name, or all implemented as private methods. As a result, all methods on this interface '{1}' will be exported as public and you might encounter name collisions.
Interface '%ls' is marked as dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. ...
Interface '{0}' and '{1}' implemented on Type '{3}' are considered projected to Windows Runtime interface '{2}' and all methods ...
Interface '{0}' and '{1}' implemented on Type '{3}' are considered projected to Windows Runtime interface '{2}' and all methods ...
Interface '{0}' implemented on Type '{2}' is considered projected to Windows Runtime interface '{1}' and all methods on this ...
Interface '{0}' implemented on Type '{2}' is considered projected to Windows Runtime interface '{1}' and all methods on this ...
Interface '{0}' is not a valid MetadataView; MetadataViews do not support non-public interfaces, and interfaces that contain ...
Interface '{0}' requires interface '{1}', which is not a Windows Runtime interface. Exported interfaces can require only ...
InterfaceId' and 'EventsId' parameters for 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' on '|1' cannot have the same value. ...
Internal Compiler Error ( 1!8.8x! at address %3!p!): likely culprit is '%2!ls!'. An internal error has occurred in the compiler. ...