The drive you have selected is invalid. The drive is either read-only or does not have enough free disk space for the selected feature.
The distributedTransactionManager attribute for the LocalTransactionManager must specify a valid configured Transaction Manager. ...
The document at the url {0} was not recognized as a known document type. The error message from each known type may help ...
The document was not recognized as a known document type (WSDL, XML Schema, or Discovery document) for the following reason: ...
The Domain Application membership condition is true if the AppDomain where code access security policy resolution is taking ...
The drive you have selected is invalid. The drive is either read-only or does not have enough free disk space for the selected ...
The duration cannot be returned for TimeSpan.MinValue because the absolute value of TimeSpan.MinValue exceeds the value of ...
The Duration property must be greater than TimeSpan.Zero. To terminate the find operation based on the number of results ...
The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - Pre-Login initialization={0}; handshake={1}; Login initialization={2}; ...
The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - Pre-Login initialization={0}; handshake={1}; Login initialization={2}; ...