You can configure your application to use the following types of security, which depend on how the Web site will be used:
You are running setup as a local machine account and your machine is part of a domain. Only domain accounts are supported ...
You can add or remove additional components after this installation using the "%1" entry in the Add/Remove section of the ...
You can choose to create a rule that applies to the whole site or to only a specific subdirectory. In the directory structure ...
You can configure the Web site to use the same provider for all application features. In this case, all data for membership ...
You can configure your application to use the following types of security, which depend on how the Web site will be used: ...
You can create and manage user accounts, if you have set the authentication type to From the Internet (forms authentication). ...
You can optionally add access rules to control access to the whole Web site or to individual folders. Rules can apply to ...
You can optionally add roles, or groups, that enable you to allow or deny groups of users access to specific folders in your ...
You can run the aspnet_regsql.exe executable without any command-line arguments to run a wizard that will help you with specifying ...