/User: Sets permissions on the computer account object to give the specified user the necessary rights to join the domain. ...

[/User:]     Sets permissions on the computer
                                        account object to give the specified
                                        user the necessary rights to join the
[/JoinRights:{JoinOnly | Full}]         Specifies the type of rights to assign
                                        to the user. JoinOnly requires the
                                        administrator to reset the account
                                        before the user can join the
                                        domain. Full gives full access to the
                                        user, which includes the right to join
                                        the computer to the domain.
[/JoinDomain:{Yes | No}]                Specifies whether or not the computer
                                        should be joined to the domain as this
                                        computer account during an
                                        installation. The default is Yes.
[/BindPolicy]                           Configures the interface bind policy
                                        for the server.
 [/Policy:{Include | Exclude}]          Sets the policy to include or exclude
                                        the addresses on the interface list.
 [/Add]                                 Adds an interface to the list.
  /Address:          Specifies the IP or MAC address of the
  /AddressType:{IP | MAC}               Specifies the type of the address
                                        specified using /Address option.
 [/Remove]                              Removes an interface from the list.
  /Address:          Specifies the IP or MAC address of the
  /AddressType:{IP | MAC}               Specifies the type of address
                                        specified using the /Address option.