You should only open projects from a trustworthy source. The project file %1 may have come from a location that isn't fully trusted. It could present a security risk by executing custom build steps when opened in %2 that could cause damage to your computer or compromise your private information. Would you like to open this project?
You selected to get a project file that contains files renamed or deleted in source control. It is recommended to get at ...
You selected to run these tests from a test run, test suite or a test plan that has been deleted. You cannot create a bug ...
You should not catch Exception or SystemException. Catching generic exception types can hide run-time problems from the library ...
You should only load custom Start Page XAML files from a trustworthy source. The XAML file {0} may have come from a location ...
You should only open projects from a trustworthy source. The project file %1 may have come from a location that isn't fully ...
You should specify a collation setting for the database model so that it matches the collation setting of your database as ...
You should use the recommended settings in this wizard. You can change any setting configured in this wizard by using the ...
You specified an invalid run timeout value. If you want to use an infinite run timeout, uncheck the corresponding check box. ...
You specified an invalid test timeout value. If you want to use an infinite run timeout, uncheck the corresponding check ...