The provided implementation map does not match the activity's definition. Please ensure that the version of the activity referenced by the updated workflow is the same version targeted by the provided map. Troubleshooting details: Member count in map: '{0}'; member count in definition: '{1}'.
The provided activity ID was in an invalid format. It must be a dot separated list of integer values such as '1.12.3' with ...
The provided activity was not part of this workflow definition when its metadata was being processed. The problematic activity ...
The provided EntitySet name must be qualified by the EntityContainer name, such as 'EntityContainerName.EntitySetName', or ...
The provided ID '{0}' could not be found in the workflow. Check the workflow for validation errors which could be generating ...
The provided implementation map does not match the activity's definition. Please ensure that the version of the activity ...
The provided list of key-value pairs contains an incorrect number of entries. There are {1} key fields defined on type '{0}', ...
The provided value '{0}' is not a valid value for channel idle timeout. The value should be a valid TimeSpan or 'infinite'. ...
The provided value '{0}' is not a valid value for channel lease timeout. The value should be a valid TimeSpan or 'infinite'. ...
The provided value '{0}' is not a valid value for max idle channels per endpoint. The value should be a valid positive integer. ...