%1!0.0s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. Please set the MIME encoding type for the form to be %3!.32s!.
s!: warning P2454: '%2!.1023s!' : Type inheritance is not supported for Oracle 8 DBMS. No super type will be associated with ...
s!: warning P3701: '%2!.1023s!' : Access does not support the creation of a check clause using the SQL create or alter table ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component contains "%3!.128s!" as a confirmation or failure URL, but this page is not present in the ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. A List Field can only be used inside a List View or List Form, ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. Please set the MIME encoding type for the form to be %3!.32s!. ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. This component will only function in a site with anonymous access ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. You must provide a valid value for the "usage list (s-usagelist)" ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. You must provide values for the "Categories (s-categories)" parameter. ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. You must provide values for the "CGI Script (U-CGI)" parameter(s). ...