AD/DS/LDS offline data browser. Usage: %1 options Options: -dbpath filepath (required) Filepath must point to the DIT file on the local server, which could be on read-only media (such as a snapshot). The DIT must be in a consistent state, that is, the ESE logs must be replayed. -logpath path (optional) The path should point to a writeable folder on the local server, where ESE log files will be created. If not specified, then temp folder will be used. -adlds (optional) open AD/LDS DIT. -ldapPort number (required) LDAP port value. -sslPort number (optional) SSL port value. Default: LDAP port+1 -gcPort number (optional) GC port number. Default: LDAP port+2 -gcSslPort number (optional) GC SSL port number. Default: LDAP port+3 -allowUpgrade (optional) Allow to upgrade the DIT file. This is useful for opening downlevel DITs/snapshots. The file needs to be on writable media. -allowNonAdminAccess (optional) Allow non-administrators to access data in the directory. If not specified, then only Domain Admins and Enterprise Admins from the target domain will be able to access the data.
AD RMS supports two types of clusters: a root cluster for certification and licensing and a licensing-only cluster. To deploy ...
AD RMS uses the cluster key password to encrypt the cluster key. To join other AD RMS servers to this cluster or to restore ...
AD RMS was unable to contact Microsoft Federation Gateway. Make sure that this computer can connect to the Internet and that ...
AD RMS works with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) to establish user identities between federating organizations ...
AD/DS/LDS offline data browser. Usage: %1 options Options: -dbpath filepath (required) Filepath must point to the DIT file ...
Adapter settings for one or more network adapters cannot be determined automatically on %1!s!. Run the cmdlet again and specify ...
Adapter unload process may have not completed successfully.%r Driver may not be unloaded.%r %r To resolve, reboot the system. ...
Adapters cannot be added to a team if they are claimed exclusively by another feature, like a Hyper-V switch. Only Ethernet ...
Adapters {1} and {2} on node {0} have IP addresses on the same subnet. This may be intentional, since adapter {1} is currently ...