APPX3026: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid foreground text value. Valid values are 'light' or 'dark'.
APPX3018: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid display name. It should have up to 256 characters, ...
APPX3020: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must contain only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash, and period. ...
APPX3021: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must contain only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash, underscore, ...
APPX3025: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must be a valid device capability. It can either a GUID or must ...
APPX3026: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid foreground text value. Valid values are 'light' ...
APPX3027: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must be either 'allLogos', 'noLogos', 'logoOnly', or 'wideLogoOnly'. ...
APPX3028: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must be either 'portrait', 'landscape', 'portraitFlipped', or ...
APPX3031: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid short display name. It should have up to 40 characters, ...
APPX3032: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid ASCII Windows ID. It must contain one or more ...