The computer account for resource '%1' failed to be renamed from %2 to %3 using Domain Controller %4. The associated error ...

The computer account for resource '%1' failed to be renamed from %2 to %3  using Domain Controller %4. The associated error code is stored in the data  section.
The computer account for this resource was in the process of being renamed  and did not complete. This was detected during the online process for this  resource. In order to recover, the computer account must be renamed to the  current value of the Name property, i.e., the name presented on the network.
The Domain Controller where the renamed was attempted might not be  available; if this is the case, wait for the Domain Controller to be available  again. The Domain Controller could be denying access to the account; after  resolving access, try to bring the name online again.
If this is not possible, disable and re-enable Kerberos Authentication and  an attempt will be made to find the computer account on a different DC. You  need to change the Name property to %2 in order to use the existing computer  account.
English (United States)