Closing a %2 socket with local port number %3 in process %4 is taking longer than expected. The local port number may not be available until the close operation is completed. This happens typically due to misbehaving network drivers. Ensure latest updates are installed for Windows and any third-party networking software including NIC drivers, firewalls, or other security products.
Clock Interrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced clock tick ...
clocktype`ct`perf|system|cycle`Specifies the clock resolution to use when logging the time stamp for each event. You can ...
Close request failed. Error: %2 Path: %4%6 Guidance: A persistent handle (Continuous Availability) or a resilient handle ...
Close this window to start downloading Windows 10. The download is pretty big, so it might take a while. We'll let you know ...
Closing a %2 socket with local port number %3 in process %4 is taking longer than expected. The local port number may not ...
Cluster migration network tags cannot be modified. Please ensure you are not trying to add or remove a cluster migration ...
Cluster service on node %1 did not reach the running state. The error code is 2!lx!. For more information check the cluster ...
Cluster to which this Terminal server belongs. Typically, it is a DNS entry which represents the Virtual IP address of computers. ...
Clustering Services have been detected on this node. Certain clustering functionality may be impaired by Internet Connection ...