If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show this. Select the source role, then the corresponding target role.
Has currency symbols, warning signs, danger signs, bathrooms, restrooms, hospitality signs, food signs, environmental symbols, ...
Identify a table into which ORACLE places information about rows that violate an enabled integrity constraint. Prefix the ...
If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
If you need to specify server specific information in the create database statement, check the 'Extract server information'. ...
If you press Finish, any conflicts resolved will be migrated back to the model, but no changes will be made to the database. ...
If you press Finish, the wizard will %s the database and create a DDL script file, but will not store an image of the database ...
If you press Finish, the wizard will %s the database, but will not create a DDL script file and will not store an image of ...