DSL5510: Visual Studio cannot find the ProjectItems collection in the solution. If the problem persists, contact the author of the tool adapter that owns the following service type: {0}
DSL5023: The reference string provided does not have the correct format. The correct format is modelbus://logicalAdapterId/model ...
DSL5506: Cannot create the requested ModelBusAdapter because Visual Studio cannot establish an association between the referenced ...
DSL5507: Cannot create the ModelBusAdapter because the referenced file is open in an incompatible editor. Close all instances ...
DSL5509: Cannot create a View on ModelBusAdapter {0} because either this ModelBusAdapter does not support the View, or an ...
DSL5510: Visual Studio cannot find the ProjectItems collection in the solution. If the problem persists, contact the author ...
DSL5511: The integration tool could not initialize the solution scope because of the scope context is not valid. The CreateProject ...
DSL5512: The integration tool could not initialize the solution scope because more than one of the three members (CreateProject, ...
DSL5513: ModelingAdapter cannot be created successfully because DocData object for document {0} could not be created by the ...
DSL5514: The standard editor registered for file {0} is not of an expected type. Make sure that the editor for this designer ...