You can't change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships. If you want to change the data type of this field, first delete its relationships in the Relationships window.
You can't change permissions for '|' in a replica.@Permissions may only be changed in the Design Master for the replica set.@3@1 ...
You can't change permissions for '|.'@To change permissions for this object, you must have Administer permission for it. ...
You can't change the column '|' to store multiple values; it is part of a multiple column relationship.@If you want to change ...
You can't change the column '|' to store multiple values; it is part of an enforced relationship.@If you want to change the ...
You can't change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships. If you want to change ...
You can't change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships.@If you want to change ...
You can't change the primary key.@This table is the primary table in one or more relationships.@If you want to change or ...
You can't change the way you summarize a date, text, or a key field. To summarize using Sum, Avg, Min or Max drag and drop ...
You can't create a field list based on the action query '|.'@Action queries don't have fields. A form or report must be based ...