The specified event provider class name could not be found in the given assembly. Ensure that the class name and assembly name in the application definition file (ADF) are correct.
The specified assembly does not implement a continuous event provider. Ensure that the assembly name specified in the application ...
The specified assembly does not implement a scheduled event provider. Ensure that the assembly name specified in the application ...
The specified class name is already in use. Class names must be unique across all event, subscription, and notification classes ...
The specified delivery channel name is not valid. Delivery channel names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ...
The specified event provider class name could not be found in the given assembly. Ensure that the class name and assembly ...
The specified event provider has not been registered. Ensure that it appears in the Providers section of the application ...
The specified event provider name is not valid. Ensure that it has been specified in the application definition file (ADF). ...
The specified field name is already in use by this notification class. Field names must be unique across all Fields, ComputedFields ...
The specified protocol is not recognized. If you are using a custom delivery protocol, then an assembly and class name must ...