This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft Office InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of InfoPath might be lost if the form template is modified in InfoPath.
This file is already part of a Document Workspace. If you choose to make workspace updates available for this file, you will ...
This file is automatically created and modified by (!idspnInfoPath_NV). Changes made to the file outside of (!idspnInfoPath) ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of InfoPath might ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of Microsoft InfoPath ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft Office InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of InfoPath ...
This file is being edited by other authors. To avoid conflicts, you cannot edit areas of the document that are being edited ...
This file is currently being edited in {richclientfull14}. You can edit this file along with that user by opening the {doctype} ...
This file is either an invite or link to a OneNote shared notebook, live sharing session, task or meeting note. If you double ...
This file is encrypted and could not be uploaded to the server. Change the encryption settings by removing the password then ...