This is a placeholder for an object of type %1!s! that could not be imported from the source document. It is left here to preserve the layout of the form template, but you should remove it before you publish the template. More information: %2!s!
This form template must be saved with an access path or a form template ID before it can be sent to a list of e-mail recipients. ...
This form template was deployed as part of the {0} feature. This form template should be removed only by uninstalling that ...
This form template was published to one location and has been saved or moved to a different location. To ensure that forms ...
This form was created with a new version of the form template. |9 cannot find the new version. Do you want to open with the ...
This is a placeholder for an object of type %1!s! that could not be imported from the source document. It is left here to ...
This master control is not linked to a detail control. To link the master control to a detail control, open the properties ...
This may be fixed by opening Internet Options in Control Panel, and then verifying that the Do not save encrypted pages to ...
This operation is not available in Office Server Standard. To upgrade to Office Server Premium consult your documentation. ...
This page lists the forms that are not correctly linked to this form library. To relink forms, select the Relink check box ...