MDSModelDeploy[ ] Commands: listservices Return a list of all service instances. listmodels Return a list of all models. listversions Return a list of all versions for the specified model. createpackage Create an XML package file for the specified model. deployclone Deploy a clone of a model. All Names and IDs will be identical to the model in the package. deploynew Create a new model by deploying a model package. deployupdate Update a model version by deploying a model package. help Display detailed information about a particular command. Options: Each command has different required or optional valid options. Run MDSModelDeploy help to see the usage and available options for a specific command. Examples: 1. Display the help for the deploynew command MDSModelDeploy help deploynew
Maximum number of key columns in index cannot be more than maximum number of columns in index. Please verify values for options ...
Maximum size of primary index of table '%1!s!' is %2!s! bytes. CREATE XML INDEX requires that such size should be limited ...
Maximum size of the panel when auto sizing is enabled. The size must be specified in percent of the viewport if the panel ...
MaximumLength descriptor in the descriptor file on path {0} is invalid. The schema table does not contain a column with the ...
MDSModelDeploy Commands: listservices Return a list of all service instances. listmodels Return a list of all models. listversions ...
MDX execution succeeded but the results of execution could not be recognized as a cell set. *$*Click here*$* to hide this ...
MeasureGroupDimension '%{name/}' in measure group '%{mgname/}' does not have property 'ShareDimensionStorage' set to 'Shared'. ...
Member from dimension '%{name/}' could not be found. This may be because of a stale dimension cache. Re-running the query ...
members have validation errors. For members that display Error in the ValidationStatus column, details are shown for the ...