Recommendation for data structure '{0}' has been already added. There can be only one recommendation per physical data structure.
Received an error on the Service Broker conversation with Database Mail. Database Mail may not be available, or may have ...
Received error %1!s! while sending a message as part of the %2!s! operation. Database Mail may not be available, or may have ...
Recent changes to the conflict resolution rules for this publication were propagated to the subscription at database '%1', ...
Recent rate of logical reads for this query (see "sys.dm_exec_query_stats.total_logical_reads"). High logical reads increase ...
Recommendation for data structure '{0}' has been already added. There can be only one recommendation per physical data structure. ...
Records addition and removal of members to a database role (fixed or user-defined) for sp_addrolemember, and sp_droprolemember. ...
Records addition and removal of members to a database role (fixed or user-defined) for sp_addrolemember, sp_droprolemember, ...
Records all the Transact-SQL statements submitted to SQL Server and the time they were issued. Information is grouped by ...
Records all the Transact-SQL statements submitted to SQL Server by clients and the time they were issued. Use this template ...