The binding for the endpoint at address '{0}' is configured with both the MsmqTransportBindingElement and the TransactionFlowBindingElement. These two elements cannot be used together.
The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') supports impersonation only on Windows 2003 Server and newer version ...
The binding ('{0}','{1}') supports streaming which cannot be configured together with message level security. Consider choosing ...
The binding (Name={0}, Namespace={1}) cannot be used to create a ChannelFactory or a ChannelListener because it appears to ...
The binding associated with ServiceMetadataBehavior or ServiceDebugBehavior is not supported. The inner binding elements ...
The binding for the endpoint at address '{0}' is configured with both the MsmqTransportBindingElement and the TransactionFlowBindingElement. ...
The binding specified cannot be null or an empty string. Please specify a valid binding. Valid binding values can be found ...
The binding specified requires that the to and via URIs must match because the Addressing Version is set to None. The to ...
The Binding with name {0} failed validation because it contains a BindingElement with type {1} which is not supported in ...
The Binding with name {0} failed validation because the Binding type {1} is not supported in partial trust. Consider using ...