Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, or processor architecture specified.
Friend access was denied to '|1'. If you want the compiler to consider friend types in '|1', add the public key information ...
Friend access was granted to '%1!ls!', but the output assembly is named '%2!ls!'. Try adding a reference to '%1!ls!' or changing ...
Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key ...
Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, ...
Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
from 'implements |3' is already implemented by the base class '|4'. Re-implementation of Windows Runtime Interface '|5' is ...
From: {0} AppId: {1} ClsId: {2} Iid: {3} Action: {4} Instance Id: {5} Managed Thread Id: {6} Unmanaged Thread Id: {7} Requesting ...
From: {0} AppId: {1} ClsId: {2} Iid: {3} Action: {4} Instance Id: {5} Managed Thread Id: {6} Unmanaged Thread Id: {7} Requesting ...