Note: The use of this method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps ...

Note: The use of this method has been deprecated in lieu of the more general RequestStateChange method that directly overlaps with the functionality provided by this method. 
Deprecated description: Requests that the LogicalDevice cleanly cease all activity (\"Quiesce\" input parameter=TRUE) or resume activity (=FALSE). For this method to quiesce a Device, that Device should have an Availability (or Additional Availability) of \"Running/Full Power\" (value=3) and an EnabledStatus/StatusInfo of \"Enabled\". For example, if quiesced, a Device can then be taken offline for diagnostics, or disabled for power off and hot swap. For the method to \"unquiesce\" a Device, that Device should have an Availability (or AdditionalAvailability) of \"Quiesced\" (value=21) and an EnabledStatus or StatusInfo of \"Enabled\". In this case, the Device would be returned to an \"Enabled\" and \"Running/Full Power\" status. 
The return code of the method should indicate the success or failure of the quiesce. It should return 0 if successful, 1 if the request is not supported at all, 2 if the request is not supported due to the current state of the Device, and some other value if any other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are 'translated' can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier.
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