This will discard smart tags labeled by the grammar checker and recheck the document. The grammar checker may reset and grammar you previously chose to ignore may be rechecked. Do you want to continue?
This will create repeating fields and add a repeating section to enable users to edit multiple list items in a single form. ...
This will delete all script code or managed code assemblies associated with this form template. Do you want to continue? ...
This will delete the record of all commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands ...
This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands ...
This will discard smart tags labeled by the grammar checker and recheck the document. The grammar checker may reset and grammar ...
This will discard the selected documents from your computer. These documents will still be available from the SharePoint ...
This will overwrite all existing parameters with the new name-value pairs from the query string you have pasted. Do you wish ...
This will remove all smart tags, including smart tags labeled by recognizers you may no longer have and smart tags recognized ...
This will remove leveling delay.}Changing the Schedule From setting will remove leveling delay and leveling splits from tasks ...