There was an unrecoverable error updating one or more objects from the server. Please re-sync your application and resolve any conflicts.
There was an error creating your |1.@Some fields may have been skipped because there was an error getting information about ...
There was an error evaluating web compatibility. Any compatibility issues found before the error are listed in table '|1'. ...
There was an error loading an ActiveX control on one of your forms or reports.@Make sure all the controls that you are using ...
There was an error loading the XSL transformation file '|1'. Please make sure that the file is a properly formatted XSL file ...
There was an unrecoverable error updating one or more objects from the server. Please re-sync your application and resolve ...
There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@The database has not been saved in a compiled ...
There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@This might be due to old DAO syntax that ...
There were errors executing the bulk query or sending data to the server. Reconnect the tables to resolve the conflicts or ...
These optional security group accounts each define specific permissions for the users you will assign to the group. Click ...