Ensure that the health agents have outbound connectivity to the following service end points. It is possible that your firewall rules are blocking this connectivity.
- *.servicebus.windows.net(Port 5671)
- https://*.blob.core.windows.net
- https://*.queue.core.windows.net
- https://*.adhybridhealth.azure.com/
- https://*.table.core.windows.net/
- https://policykeyservice.dc.ad.msft.net/
- https://login.windows.net
- https://login.microsoftonline.com
- https://secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com
If you use HTTP Proxy servers for outbound traffic, you can configure Azure AD Connect Health agents to use HTTP Proxy settings. See the related links section for more details. You can explicitly test connectivity between Azure AD Connect Health agent with the Health service by using the following command.See the related links section for more details.
- Test-AzureADConnectHealthConnectivity -Role Sync
If outbound connectivity is not blocked, restart the following services on each server:
- Azure AD Connect Health Sync Monitoring Service
- Azure AD Connect Health Sync Insights Service
If the problem persists, please contact Microsoft Support or ask the question in the MSDN forums under Azure Active Directory.
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